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Created with Adobe Illustrator and After Effects to create an animated logo for my Vibra Studios branding project.










Native Hearts  commerical  was created with  Illustrator, Adobe After Effects,  Premier and Garage Band. For this projects all graphics and voice overs  had to be made on your own. The only  element that would be  used fo music that was licensed out ot the school.  


This short clip was made from about 15 mins of video footage. Project was done entirely in  Adobe Premier.  



An important part of any production is storyboarding before time and money are spent producing it. Here are a couple of fun clips I created for commercial concepts. Although they are humourous in nature-  there was put research into the target audience and the advertising of competing companies.  Photoshop, Premier, Illustrator , Garage Band and Keynote were used between the two projects.  

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